Do You Want to Do Better This Year? Read This!
School has already started or is just around the corner for most students. Maybe not every student is jumping with joy, but here are some tips to help you make the best of your year or semester.
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Tips for Sentence Writing in Business
Sentences are the basic foundation of any writing, so getting them right is important. The primary goal is to write concise, crisp sentences that clearly convey your message. This is particularly true in business. Avoid any flowery or creative writing urges you have, and stick to the business at hand.  These tips will help you to get started. The sentences in red are weak and/or incorrect. Aim for the sentences in green. 
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New Online Course!  Short Story Reading
I am excited to announce that the Short Story Reading course is up and running on the Udemy platform. This course is primarily designed for personal development; however, there are some academic components as well. We will be looking at the basic short story structure as well as elements and literary devices that authors use such as irony, personification, similes, hyperbole, foreshadowing, prediction, imagery, and lots more.
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Summer Learning
What a perfect time to fall in love with learning – to make friends with your brain! Once you do, the benefits will roll in like waves on a beach. Do I hear screaming?
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Number Rules
The following are some general rules for handling numbers in academic writing. Of course, there are always exceptions. Rule 1 Spell out numbers 1 through 10. (There are exceptions such as the previous sentence in which I want the numbers to stand out for quick reference.) You can use numerals for numbers above 10. He needed six extra items in his basket. Sherry counted 60 students on the bus.
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A Few Tips for Learning with ADD/ADHD
These tips apply to those working with learners and the learners themselves. I am a strong advocate for all of us becoming our own best teachers. Hence my book Teach Myself? Teach Myself! Self-Taught Learners Do Best. Be Positive When working with a student, ignore negative or what seem like time- wasting behaviour as much as possible. By addressing every little quirk, the learner gets reinforced. Even negative reinforcement works to increase task-avoidance, so it is counterproductive. Oft...
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Become an Excellent Listener and Get Positive Results
Become an Excellent Listener and Get Positive Results! Pardon, what did you say? Listening is not simply hearing. I am sure that you have experienced times when you “heard” something, but you did not pay attention to it and have no idea what the person said to you.
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Essay Writing – Thesis Statement
Ah, yes, the dreaded essay! Don’t fear essay writing. It sounds scary, but it does not have to be. Take one step at a time, and it isn’t so bad. The thesis statement can be problematic for some writers, so let’s address it here.
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Writing to Persuade
A few questions to keep in mind when writing to persuade. Who are your readers? Are they likely to be skeptical or critical? How familiar are they with the topic? Will they understand technical language? How informal can you be?
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Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Multiplying Multiplying fractions is quite easy if you follow these steps. Simply multiply the numerators (top numbers) and multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) and then simplify if needed.
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