Good Study Habits

Good Study Habits

School is back full time!

I know you are excited to do well. Here are some tips to get that learning engine started and to keep it going strong all year!

When doing homework or studying, choose a place with good lighting, preferably with a firm chair and working surface, and where interruptions will be at a minimum.

Make out a study schedule for one week, allowing yourself breaks to reward yourself. At the end of the first week, make an honest assessment of how well you did. Revise it - and then try to stick to it for the rest of the school year.

It is essential to look back at the notes you took in school each day and to review them again before the week has ended. Simple as that sounds, it is often the difference between average and excellent marks or between passing and failing.

Do more than the bare minimum that is required. Try to read supplementary material. Seek out videos, blogs, podcasts, and so one that will add both information and interest to the topic.

Understand what you are supposed to do in your homework before you leave the classroom. It’s no good trying to figure out at 9 o’clock that evening what the mathematics teacher meant by something she said just before the second-last period ended. Find out during class. (Not everything is online even these days!)

Prepare ahead. Both your interest and your retention rate will soar if you have read, in advance, material that your teacher will be presenting. Often, what you thought might be a boring class turns out to be fun – or at least understandable.

Organize yourself to complete chores before you start your homework. Some students try to complete calls or texts before homework. Others allow themselves the reward of a break to make contact. (Be careful the break doesn’t last too long or it will reduce your proper study time.)

Take a close look at the way you take notes and ask yourself whether you could improve your methods. The most successful students organize their notes immediately after taking them rather than waiting a few days or a week. If you feel you’re still having problems, speak to the teacher of the subject that is giving you trouble.

Don’t let yourself fall behind. Nothing is more discouraging than the realization that you have missed an assignment deadline while other work is falling behind. Try to provide time in your schedule for assignments. If you’re still falling behind, take another close look at your schedule and make adjustments.

Ensure that your work is proofread, edited, and neat. Neat work won’t disguise a sloppily researched assignment but it is far better than handing in something that the teacher cannot read or comprehend. Note: Even typed work can be “sloppy.” You still need organized thoughts, developed ideas, proper grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraph structure, etc.

Picture2Don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep (8 to 10 hours). Yes, all people need it!!

Also, eat breakfast and make sure you have a good lunch and healthy snacks throughout the day. 

Numerous small meals can provide you with a constant energy supply and help your brain function efficiently.

Need more help?

A private tutor might be the answer. Just click on Contact Me on the front page for more information or to book a free information meeting. It is that easy. 

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