Help!  I’m Bored!

Help!  I’m Bored!

The following is a recent question from a student is one that comes up fairly frequently:

How do I get comfortable with studying? I’m always bored.

I might sound like a broken record, but one of the major factors to avoid boredom is to become engaged. If you continue to see your education or courses as separate from you – almost like the enemy that must be conquered – you will continue to have difficulties.

This sense of separation can lead to boredom, frustration, or even hatred toward learning. 

What do you mean by “become engaged”?

I mean that you take just as much interest in the lessons as you would for some sport, show you binge-watch, or hobby you have. Spend a sufficient amount of dedicated time on the topic. Perhaps, look at it this way. If you spent three hours (or six hours) on a video game or binge-watch, try spending the same amount of time on your next study session (with short breaks, of course). I know, crazy thought – right? 

I’m not really suggesting that six hours straight is a good idea, but what usually happens is that a hobby gets all the time and the studies are cut as short as humanly possible. Make some moves to flip that around a wee bit. The more time you spend with any activity the better you become at it. The more you understand the topic, the more interesting it will be to you.

Give it a fair chance to interest you by looking beyond the basic text. You can read alternative but related material. Find videos or podcasts on the topic. Look for related blogs. Chat with others about the course content.

Being fully involved in the process is important. Reading the text blindly will be boring. Use a proper reading method such as the SQ3R. Asking yourself questions and then seeking the answers gets you engaged. You become a participant in the learning process rather than simply an observer. 

At all times, remember that you are aiming to achieve something for yourself.

So, be selfish!

Take what is yours. Your knowledge and ability are not for someone else in the final analysis. 

Prepare ahead of class lectures. When you are not going in “cold,” the lesson will be more informative and more interesting. You can have questions at the ready. Some will be answered without your asking them aloud; others you might need to address with the teacher afterward. The point is that you are doing something, not just trying to be a boring receptacle.

You are not a milk carton! Check out my new book to learn more about this fact and more learning tips: Teach Myself! Teach Myself?

Psyche yourself up a bit. Set goals. Check them off as you achieve them. Be proactive.

Try to be passionate about the course.

As soon as you allow the learning to enter into your life as a part of you and what you want to achieve rather than something separate and alien to you, you will begin to experience a ground shift. 

It is not always easy, but I am sure you can do it!

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